
Ashbourne Community National School

Learning Resources

Welcome to our school's learning hub. We hope that you will find useful resources here to help you to support your child in their learning!

Question Sheets to promote Reading Comprehension.
Simply click to download.

English Version
Portuguese Version
Russian Version
Polish Version
Romanian Version
Ukrainian Version

Websites to promote English language-learning

Oxford OWL
A great collection of free eBooks for children of all ages. Very good resources and guides to support learning on the 'Reading' page.
A collection of English games to develop reading while having fun. You can filter it by class level. For reference, 3rd class = 3rd/4th grade.
ESL Games
A great website full of games for children of all ages who are learning English as a second or additional language.
ICT Games (Literacy)
Free educational games aimed at children in Junior Infants - 4th Class.
A huge collection of online games to develop English for all ages. You can search and filter the games by subject and age group.
Links to a huge variety of English resources. Aimed and developed for Junior Infant to 2nd class children.
Primary CPD
Links to a huge variety of English resources. Aimed and developed for 3rd - 6th class children.

Maths Information Booklets

Our Maths Committee created information booklets that can be used to support your child in their maths learning at ACNS.
Please click to download.

Maths Websites

A great free resource for learning maths concepts for all ages. Children can take courses and access tutorials for all aspects of maths.
This website has lots of fun maths games to develop numeracy skills. Suitable for 1st - 6th class.
ICT Games (Literacy)
Aimed at: Junior Infants - 4th Class. You will find free educational games aimed at children between 5 and 8 years old.
Aimed at Junior infants - 2nd Class. This website has a huge variety of maths resources. Aimed and developed for the Irish Primary School curriculum.
This website has a wide collection of online games to develop maths for all ages. You can search and filter the games by subject and age group.
Aimed at: 3rd Class - 6th Class. This website links to a huge variety of maths resources. Aimed and developed for the Irish Primary School curriculum.

Resources to support your child's learning of

Games to practise Irish for all ages
Games as Gaeilge
Online games to develop vocabulary for 3rd - 6th class.
Aimed at 3rd Class - 6th Class Online quizzes to practise vocabulary.

SESE (History, Geography, Science)

National Geographic Kids
Aimed at 1st Class - 6th Class pupils. Hundreds of free videos, quizzes, games and information about animals, countries, history and much more!
Scratch is an excellent programme to develop scientific and mathematical skills through coding and making fun projects, games, stories and so much more.
Online quizzes about lots of topics. Students can explore and search for topics that interest them. Aimed at 3rd - 6th class pupils.

Information regarding Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) at primary school level